Perfect plans for your opinionated posse.

How do you make great plans when everyone has their own ideas?

Perhaps Grandma wants to read her book, Dad wants to climb the nearest mountain, Mum wants to do Yoga, the teenager wants to party and the little ones need looking after.

Or, you all play bridge, but really want to have a holiday experience that encompasses things other than playing cards. Not everyone wants to go exploring museums, but then again…

With mastery of group travel, The Travel Compass can ensure everyone has a win for your next booking.

Stu and I are on the plane on the way home and we have had what I can only describe as a magical trip.

We loved the hotel you suggested in Portugal and the B and B hotel in Edinburgh was great too. Most of all, having all this time with the girls was such a joy.

Thank you for always making our travel so easy and helping our family connect. Sending you a big, loving grateful hug, Xxx.
— Kim, NSW